Posts Tagged ‘3d graphics’


Two days ago, I hinted on Facebook that an Award winning artist will be bringing creatures from my Silent Hill: Betrayal novel to life in 3D graphical art. It might be the first time I am mentioning it, but it no way is this a new development. The artist and I have discussed this about two months ago initially and the work has steadily been progressing.

Today I am happy to officially announce that this artist is Shane Ryan from Graphicx Horror! . He is definitely not new to the horror scene and has spent years cultivating his love for the genre and allowing his talent to grow to great heights! I was fortunate enough to spot some Silent Hill designs on facebook, as well as some new designs he is working on, which then prompted me to ask if he would be willing to try his hand at a bestiary for my novel.

Right now, Shane is busy with Act 1’s bestiary. He is working on the Adlet and Tiyanak first, and I have already seen some concept designs and the progress of the 3D work. I am intensely, insanely excited about this artwork and I really believe Shane is outdoing himself.

You can visit his website to learn more about him in detail, but here is a very short summary (doesn’t do him justice; more are listed on the site) of what he has accomplished so far:

  • Artwork that has appeared is many publications, such as Body Horror Book, I’m Zombie, Decay, and the Refuge Collection;
  • Film Productions, such as Detour Theatre, Virus of the Dead, and Dark are the Woods;
  • Cover art for the Music Industry, such as God Of Horrorcore and Greatest Horrorz Vol.1;
  • Award: Guild Of The Golden Owl, juried Fantasy Art competition (judges award);
  • Exhibitions, such as Oz Horror Con, Benalla Regional Arts Exhibition and Step Into My World Exhibition;
  • Featured Artist in various publications and interviews, like the Blood-Shed, Horror Addicts, and Domain of Horror.

As I mentioned I am truly excited to see my work come to life, and I cannot wait to make it available to everyone to see.

Warm Regards

The Count of Celenic Earth